Contact us

Come and Join Us

We meet every Sunday at 10.30 in Via Castiglione 65.

At the heart of Bologna, we encourage one another to persevere in Him who is the Head of

the Church, being built up in Him through the teaching of His Word.



Our children

Every Sunday, during the service, we dedicate time and energy to our ‘Torricine.’ Every

child, from 3 years and up, has the opportunity to learn the truth about God alongside crafts,

puzzles and games. 


Modena Plant

After several years of prayer, the Lord is giving us the grace and joy to see a new church community start in the centre of Modena. If you live in or near there; and would like to see a church flourish in the heart of that city, please contact us at


Contact Us

If you have need of any further information or have questions regarding our weekly activities, please write to us at and we will be happy to help you.

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