What do we do?

What is a Christian?

The book of Proverbs encourages anyone who wants to be righteous to find refuge, only and exclusively, in Jesus Christ (Proverbs 18:10).

It is our conviction that to be a Christian is to run continually to Him, the strong tower, for forgiveness, salvation, purpose and safety.

The Lord Jesus is THE strong tower, He is the hope of Bologna and of the rest of the world.

Our desire is that everyone, in this famous city of porticoes and medieval towers, can hear the good news of THIS eternal tower. By running to Him, they will find the safe place of His perfect righteousness.

This objective drives our activities.


Activities for Building

Building up the community of believers in Jesus Christ so that together we grow up to maturity in Him, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesisan 4:13).

Activities for Winning

Winning men, women and children with the message of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, through the faithful proclamation of His Word

Activities for Training

Invest in every member of church so that they are prepared and able to proclaim the gospel to others


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